Guidelines for Electronic Communications
Due to the increasing number of emails that this practice is currently receiving, immediate response cannot be guaranteed. A large amount of clinical time is spent dealing with administrative tasks. This has a negative impact on quick and timeous responses for emails. Please be patient in this regard and allow a reasonable amount of response time for emails.
Furthermore, all forms of electronic consultation (E-mail/Telephone) that require a response from a doctor, will attract a fee, in order to compensate for the time and resources, that are spent on these. There is a tariff code/fee structure to compensate for electronic consultations, from the Medical Schemes Tariff coding system.
Electronic communication is mostly for administrative matters and should not be used for sensitive or confidential matters. In the case of emergencies call Nurture Umhlanga (031 584 8168), or Akeso Umhlanga (087 098 0451).
Prescriptions via email are only allowed if sent directly to pharmacies. Certain highly scheduled medications still require an original script instead of an e-copy.
Please be reminded that an email cannot replace face-to-face consultation. Generally, if the communication is longer than a few sentences, email is not the appropriate mode of communication. In such cases, a face-to-face consultation is advised.
There are some inevitable risks involved when using electronic communication. Although this practice always strives to maintain patient confidentiality, you should be aware that electronic communications may not always be private. Electronic communication presents a risk of fraud and breach of confidentiality. It may be impossible for the receiver to verify the identity of the person sending such a message.
Electronic messages may contain viruses, may be damaged or changed in the process of transmission. If you send/receive email using a work email address, your employer has the right to inspect/review your email. Electronic communication may be used as evidence in a court of
Be assured that the best interests of the patient will always be kept in mind.